There is an increasing focus on health and exercise, and even more of us want quicker results and shorter restitution period. Protein supplements are at the centre of this attention, but is muscle building the only area of use for protein supplements – or can they provide other health benefits?
The long-term and ongoing debate on the advantages of the high-protein diet is divided; some argue no significant benefits and other views stress favourable results. It is difficult to measure the effects of a high-protein diet in humans.
Several studies confirm that consuming whey protein increase muscle protein synthesis drastically.
Nevertheless, critical studies support significant benefits among physically active people. They confirm that intake of the high-protein supplement and thus increased levels of accessible protein, contribute to build and maintain muscle mass. Moreover, such supplements may repair damaged muscle tissue and prevent muscle loss.
One of the best protein supplements available is derived from milk and is called whey protein. Several studies confirm that consuming whey protein increase muscle protein synthesis drastically. A survey by Reidy (2013) showed that whey protein ingested within 1 hour after resistance exercise, provided a significant increase in muscle protein synthesis.