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What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a new comprehensive data protection law in the European Union (“EU”) that updates existing laws to strengthen the protection of personal data in light of rapid technological developments, increased globalisation, and more complex international flows of personal data. It replaces the patchwork of national data protection laws currently in place with a single set of rules, directly enforceable in each EU member state.

Do I need to sign an additional agreement with Eqology as a Business Partner?

To create a new BP account, the Business Partner must accept the Eqology Policy and the GDPR Entrustment Agreement. All Business Partners who joined Eqology before implementing new rules will get information by logging into the webshop where they should accept the Entrustment Agreement. You as a Business Partner are a Processor of Personal Data of your downline. You are obliged to fulfil all of the GDPR rules as, for example, not processing nor storing additional data, etc.