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Pure Vegan Oil


Pure Vegan Oil

– A high source of 100% vegan omega-3 fatty acids

When we are talking about fat, there is one type that you cannot get rid off: omega-3 fatty acids. The two most important of these, EPA and DHA, are mainly found in certain fish. In turn, ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is another omega-3 fatty acid, which can be found in plant sources such as nuts, seeds, and mainly algae. Not only our body needs these fats, but they also bring significant health benefits.

Essential Functionalities

While foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are essential for our health, some of them, especially seeds and nuts, can be high in calories. Therefore, it is core to measure your portions. Taking algae itself can be challengeable, as the European market currently does not offer a wide range of certified marine alga from a reliable source.

Algae oil has both DHA and EPA and can be a perfect option for people who are leading a vegetarian lifestyle or don’t eat enough fish.

Eqology launches a revolutionary dietary supplement with omega-3 oil derived straight from the marine alga, called Schizochytrium sp. This fresh microalgae is a rich source of Omega-3 docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids. Those are critical for optimal human health and function throughout life. Our bodies cannot synthesise DHA and EPA, and therefore, we should ingest them through diet. Besides, we add a cold-pressed organic extra virgin olive oil, natural orange flavour and Antioxidant Mix, namely essential rosemary extract, vitamin E and vitamin D2.

Good to know that EQ Pure Vegan Oil is V-Label licensed, which guarantees a transparent seal of quality for vegans and vegetarians.

Marine Algae

Multiple scientific reports confirm that meal based on freshwater microalgae can completely replace the taking of fish oil. Marine microalgae may also contribute to potential anti-inflammatory treatment for colitis, nervous system development in infants, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and inhibit acute inflammation.

Our supplier ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns. The algae which go to EQ Pure Vegan Oil is free of environmental toxins, grown in purified saltwater.

According to several studies, Schizochytrium sp. has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Olive Oil

Organic extra virgin olive oil used in your bottle of EQ Pure Vegan Oil can be traced at You will be able to check where precisely it was harvested in Crete. The olives are delivered at the mill directly after harvesting and processed the same day to ensure the highest quality.

Our supplier of extra-virgin olive oil is Terra Creta — a strong brand with extraordinary quality and long history.

Rosemary extract

This fragrant evergreen herb is a perfect source of calcium, vitamin B-6 and iron. Rosemary has been proclaimed since ancient times for its healing properties. Herb has traditionally been used to strengthen immunity and normalise blood circulation, relieve muscle pain, enhance memory, and also to stimulate hair growth.

Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Several laboratory studies have shown its abilities in strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation and neutralising harmful particles – free radicals.

Vitamin E

This group of fat-soluble vitamins are known for their potent antioxidant effect. Supplements containing vitamin E may be beneficial in fighting coronary heart disease, preventing inflammation, maintain immune function and streighten eye health. Some medical researches founded out that vitamin E may lighten the dryness, itching, and flaking connected with eczema, or atopic dermatitis.

Vitamin D2

If vitamin D3 comes from animals, vitamin D2 is delivered from plants only. That is why we added this compound of vitamin D to ensure the 100% plant-based supplement. This sunshine vitamin helps to absorb the calcium in your body and plays a vital role in the keeping of phosphorus levels in the blood. In summary, it maintains the health of teeth and bones.
